How To Clean Ear Know Why You Should Not Clean Your Ears With Cotton Buds

How To Clean Ear Know Why You Should Not Clean Your Ears With Cotton Buds

How to clean Earwax: Ear buds will be found in almost every household. People use it for ear wax or rather to clean their ears. However, health care professionals recommend against using earbuds to clean the ears. People use cotton buds to remove earwax from the ears or to scratch the ears. But should you clean your ears with these?

It is not right to clean ears with cotton buds

Actually, ear wax is a natural substance that the body makes itself to protect the ears from dust, microorganisms and water etc. Trying to remove it with the help of cotton bud can lead to many problems.

Ear buds push the wax down

It is okay to clean the outer part of the ears with earbuds, but it is not right to clean the inner part of the ears. Actually, they push the wax towards the ear canal and sometimes even the foreign particles present in the wax go inside. It has a bad effect on the eardrum. Due to which there can be problems like ear pain and hearing loss.

The ear has its own mechanism for cleaning.

Usually, when you take a shower, the water and soap in your ears loosens up the unnecessary dirt accumulated in your ears, so that it comes out on its own. The skin of the ear grows in a spiral pattern. That’s why ear wax also comes out along with the dead skin. Ear wax comes out with the help of jaw movements like chewing, yawning and talking.

ear wax protects ears

Wax protects the ear from dust, micro-organisms and other harmful particles. It also lubricates the skin of your ears. Its antibacterial properties also help prevent infection. When the skin of the ears is dry, the risk of infection in the ears increases. Therefore, do not use ear buds to clean the ears. If there is a need, take the advice of a specialist doctor in this regard.

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